
How it works

  1. Look through our menus: Breakfast, Lunch, Canapés and Bowl food. Click on menu items to select them, and feel free to mix and match from our different menus.
  2. Contact us with any questions or particular requirements you would like to talk through. We have other menu options, including our hot fork buffet and menus made just for you.
  3. Complete your order online.

Please note that prices exclude VAT and are for food only. If you need serving staff get in touch for a quotation.

Frequently asked questions

Let us know your details and we will recommend the best menu for you.

How many do you wish to cater for?
Our normal menu provides 50% meat and 50% vegetarian choices.
Does this meet your requirements?

Click here to find out more about allergen management at Sanguines.

We deliver in a 35 mile radius from our kitchens just south of Newcastle.

Check if we deliver to you:

We deliver for free, although there is a minimum order requirement of £50 if you are more than 10 miles away from our kitchens.
Within 10 miles from our kitchens (just south of Newcastle), we have no minimum order.

For deliveries farther away than 10 miles, we have a £50 minimum order.

After you complete your order, we will send you an invoice by email with our bank details for payment by BACS.
You can place an order online up to 48 hours before you need the food. Up to 5pm on the night before, we can still take your order – but please ring us to confirm.

If you are looking for same-day catering, we can’t guarantee anything, but we may be able to help. Please give us a ring on 07908 752 259 or 07701 030 877. We will do our best.

If you still have questions, don’t hesitate to email us or give us a call on 07908 752 259.